Join the Granville County Beekeepers & the Vance Warren Beekeepers for a JOINT Beginning Beekeepers Academy! This family friendly learning opportunity will be presented by several members in person, via ZOOM and will also be recorded.
January 20 - Intro, Equipment, & PPE February 3 - Bee Anatomy, Physiology, and Sociology February 17 - Products of the Hive Workshop (Bring a friend for $30) March 2 - Diseases, Pests, and Treatments March 16 - Planting for Bees, Pollination (Bring a friend for $30) March 30 - Field Day April 6 - Seasonal Management, Review Games, Exam
Lead Instructors: Christi Henthorn Havanna Keeton Thomas Hanna Rufus Terry John Short. Recommended reading: The Beekeeper's Handbook by Diana Sammataro, Alphonse Avitabile, Dewey M Caron. 5th Edition.
Single $85 Family $125 Includes: Classes & workshops, NCSBA membership, GCBA &/or VWCBA membership.
Granville Co Beekeepers Meetings (1st Thursday 7 pm)
@ Granville Expo Center, 4185 US-15, Oxford
January 4th, February 1st, March 7th, April 4th, May 2nd
Vance Warren Beekeepers Meetings (2nd Monday 7pm)
@ Vance Co Farmers Market Building, 210 Southpark Dr, Henderson
January 8th, February 12th, March 11th, April 8th, May 13th
granvillecobeekeepers@gmail.com919.892.3670 Oxford, North Carolina